You have arrived at the home page of Daniel H. Chew. I am a Reformed Christian in the small country of Singapore, a pilgrim who treasures truth and the God of Truth. As a Reformed Presbyterian, I subscribe to the Westminster Standards (Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms), and the ecumenical creeds of the Christian Church (Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus, Chalcedon).
As a student of God’s truth, I strive and endeavor to accurately represent my Lord. I do not claim authority beyond the authority of God’s Word. Where what I say is biblical, you should embrace it, but you are not bound to anything outside of Scripture no matter how well argued my case may be.
Here I have consolidated my work. Feel free to browse and may God get the glory for what He has done and is doing through this weak vessel.
Daniel H Chew